
«Fallera Menina» will illustrate the 2012 festivities

19 October 2011 - 09: 25

The design of Nieves Aranda Bru and Fernando Moncho Sampascual, "Fallera Menina", has been chosen as the final one to illustrate the upcoming festivities of Fallas 2012.

On Tuesday afternoon they met in the lobby of the first floor of the Municipal House of Culture falleros representatives, authorities and experts in the field to decide between the designs submitted, which will remain on display until October 31.

The first to arrive were the Chairman of the Board, Jaume Bertomeu, and the maximum representatives of the festivities, the Falleras Mayores de Dénia Anna Sobrecases and Ainhoa ​​Flores. The councilors Paco Arnau y Pepa Font They completed the jury with Miguel Ángel Ivars Noguera, city estétido advisor, Pastor Jaume Serra, deseñador; Juan Llorca Llorca, publicist and Maribel Font, who acted as secretary.

  1. Sonia Montalt says:

    Hi, I'm Sonia Montalt, graphic designer. I express my indiganción, this winning poster, as I think it has been plagiarized, not just the winning poster of the year 2010, but I presented myself to the same contest in 2010. But, see my blog, where the sign appears:
    At the very least, it would have changed the shape of the hair, I don't know… it's not that difficult.
    A greeting.

  2. Susanna says:

    Your presentation seems correct to me. In fact, I too have prepared five contests very hard. And the first thing I did was to document myself about the winning posters and candidates for failures, not only the one from Denia, but also those from Valencia and Gandía. That's why my surprise to see that it looked so similar. And the resemblance is very high ... it is no longer just a tone, a chromatic variety, a drawing, the composition ... it is everything in general. That is why I think it has attracted so much attention and so many people have noticed.
    As you can see, I am not anonymous, I leave my name as well. And like you, I live and work on design. There is something that my "boss" taught me to do before I entered a contest… it is called "visual culture." You can be inspired by a poster that you liked, perfect ... but you don't "nail" it.
    I am not saying that you have not worked. The poster is very good, but I do say that the concept "has already been seen", and it was only two years since the publication of that award.

    On the other hand ... The jury is the one that has to have knowledge of what "has already been seen" and be documented in the poster contests or it will happen as now, and as in the Requena contest, which this year, at its parties The winner was a poster "very similar" to that of the Utiel festivities a few years ago.

  3. blog says:


  4. Copy paste that is easy right? says:

    That little creativity have some @ s! Finish entering this website and to prohibit the winners to participate in this contest. http://Www.soniamontalt.blogspot.com

  5. And Fernando Nieves says:

    We are writing to you moments after to our surprise, we have received a call from the newspaper the Provinces, asking about the supposed resemblance of our poster with the failures of Valencia 2.010.

    We are two graphic designers who live and work in the design world. As professionals we have participated in numerous competitions, in fact many times we have seen as some participants are tempted to plagiarize the work of others.
    But one thing is partial or casual coincidence of a chromatic scale or motif and another a simple exercise of plagiarism. Claim that the headlining a poster is copied because it is a faller of absurdity. We do not even deserve an answer, if it were not for the stupefaction that has left us. Clearly, we have our tastes and admire many designers and artists in general, like any professional, but these criticisms are ill-intentioned, painful and unjust. We have spent a long time preparing forward to this contest, Sketching, documentándonos, looking textures,
    shapes, colors, etc. It is very sad that we now hear these comments, anonymous, that tarnish much work.

    For our part we have no more to say, if anything encourage you to reflect a little more before thinking.

    And Fernando Nieves.

  6. artist says:

    Gentlemen of the jury and responsible for the winning poster, this poster is copied artwork by artist Sonia montalt of vinalesa (Valencia) enter your blog and you will understand because you have to take the prize or if not disappear contest posters

  7. Laura says:

    I think they should take the prize for the winning poster as it blatantly is practically the same as the sign of Fallas de Valencia 2010, gentlemen of the jury please look at him and judge, yourselves!

  8. umek says:

    Yes, it is very similar, but recognize that it is the best and most elegant in what he had. I participated and I seem fair. Maybe not be so similar to last year valence should see him as another shade of color, more cheerful. Too bad, I can not go back to Denia to vacation.

  9. Their says:

    It is virtually the same as Valencia won the 2010.
    I agree that the "inspiration" is part of creation. But "inspiration" to "plagiarism" there is a fine line.
    Totally agree with Cristina. Maybe next year I think me a little more time to participate.

  10. cristina says:

    Anyway congratulations to the winners.

  11. cristina says:

    I think the poster is very nice ... but isn't it almost, almost, almost, we are practically the same as the one in Valencia in 2010? I think the representative posters of these parties should be differentiated, but it seems to me that this time the similarity of the respective posters is very blatant. There you, it looks like a copy of the 2010 valencia fallas poster with some variation, you have to have more imagination because even if they are the fallas, each town is individual. I have not participated in the contest, but I would think very hard to participate in future years.
