
Falla Roques: Our day of Fallero!

August 03 from 2012 - 00: 00

A day full of fun, entertainment and laughter, as we participated in all the cucañas organized by the other fallas commissions and in the paella contest, that all must be said, ours were very good, both the paella contest and the one that We cook in the house, we ate them in the house all passed through water, as both large and small, we do not stop wetting each other throughout the day.

Finally came the most important day fallero act, "exchange controls" and our charges 2012, gave the mandate to our new charges 2012 / 2013:

President: José Antonio Monsonis Santacreu
Fallera Mayor: Payer Pamela Barber
Children President: Marcos Pérez Gimeno
Fallera Mayor Infantil: Emma Miralles Rosello

Accompany them to see them take the stage, they were all gorgeous and radiant after the ceremony we went together to the new charges casal and invited us to dinner to all attendees. It was an unforgettable day full of anecdotes in a good fallero environment. The next more and better, and we will tell !.

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