
Paris Falla Pedrera: Lunch at the manor with fallero artist and surprise Rosabel

20 October 2011 - 10: 18

Continuing with the meals in the couple, last Saturday 15 of October, the Paris Falla Pedrera Of Denia had a long awaited visit: we accompanied Jesus Grao, our artist fallero. We signed contracts and showed us an outline of the monument. Food, dessert and laughs for a day of festival fallera.

Fallero meal with the artist in Paris Pedrera

Paris charges Pedrera signed the contract with the artist fallero

Although the food was flooded, as usual, the party did not end at 5 in the afternoon, when we went to prepare the surprise birthday party to Rosabel, our major fallera. Another great night in our couple full of friends and falleros.

Rosabel Pous celebrates her birthday at the Paris Pedrera Falla

Festera semper, semper ... semper faller Falla Pedrera Paris !!!

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