
The PP of Dénia criticizes the extra cost of 200% that the closure of the composting plant will mean to the City Council

28 July 2023 - 12: 45

«The closure of the Dénia Composting Plant by the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development, Climate Emergency and Ecological Transition of the Generalitat Valenciana, due to the lack of authorizations from the company in charge of management and exploitation will mean an extra cost of a 200% per ton of green waste for the Dénia City Council", as announced by the councilor of the Municipal Group of Party of Dénia in charge of Ecological Transition, Juan Carlos Signes, after it was unanimously approved in the plenary session.

Signes has commented that "the lack of control and management by the Department of Ecological Transition, managed for the last eight years by the PSPV It is going to cost us the citizens of Dénia to pay 200% more per ton of green”. In addition, the popular councilor has pointed out that “all this comes to light thanks to the question that we asked the government team in writing so that they would answer us about the situation of the Composting Plant. That's when they got in a hurry and a few minutes after the Board of Spokespersons prior to the Plenary, they urgently incorporated the termination of the contract with the current company in charge of managing the Plant, and the start of a new tender."

Durante el Pleno Ordinario celebrado la tarde del jueves, el concejal de Hacienda aseguró que se ha realizado un contrato menor con otra empresa para que tanto el departamento de Parques y Jardines, como Urbaser, encargada de la recogida de los puntos verdes y el ECOPARC, depositen los residuos pasando el Ayuntamiento a pagar la tonelada a entre 30 y 35 euros, mientras en la Planta de Compostaje suponía un coste de 11 euros por tonelada. «Nada dijo de las empresas de Dénia que hacían uso de la Planta de Compostaje», afirman desde el PP.

Juan Carlos Signes has stressed that "we already asked the Councilor for Finance in plenary if the company where the waste was dumped had all the correct certifications, and he replied that" I suppose so. One more example of how the government team works. For this reason we will request access to the file of the minor contract made with this company to make sure that things are being done correctly by the government team, and we do not have to assume extra costs in this matter again."

The Popular Party states that this contract would last until the award of a concession for the Composting Plant, which will not go out to tender for at least 9 months, increasing the costs for the Dénia City Council each month.

“That this problem occurs in the middle of summer, when the activity of maintenance and gardening companies is at its peak, once again demonstrates the lack of concern for the city's tourism sector. This government should understand that the tourism sector does not only consist of the hotel industry, but that it is also accompanied by many other sectors that make Dénia a magnificent tourist spot on the Costa Blanca", said the spokesperson for the Municipal group of the Popular Party Pepa Font.

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  1. Hans-Joachim Kuhl says:

    Die Mehrkosten sollten doch jetzt bitte die Sozis übernehmen

  2. It says:

    If only it was that...
    Triple payment for green waste, late payment interest for payments pending court rulings, a fortune to connect the sewage system where it has not been done….. fantastic! More extraordinary payments with our taxes.
    In a private company, these gentlemen from the City Council would have been on the streets for years and, in another era, in jail, for being lazy and thugs.
    They don't give a damn about everything and they only defend their pocket, for everything else there is taxpayer money.
    It is sad, but it is the reality of that "leftist progress" that we have demonstrating every day that Denia and its citizens do not give a damn.

    • Pau (FR) says:

      It will not be me who defends the failed actions and lack of control of this municipal government.
      But when PP governed us, we were also rained with court rulings and huge fines.
      It would be interesting to compare which of the executives has spent more on fines and penalties caused by poor management.
      I think we would reach unsuspected figures.

  3. Esteban says:

    Who is the official responsible for this happening?
    Record already, and light and trachographs

    • lluis says:

      If you watch the plenary session on YouTube you will know it, I just saw it and it was played by Mario Vidal de Gent from Denia, the one who has done the most work in the opposition for his contributions.

  4. Rudolf says:

    This Town Hall is always late and wrong.
    How long had the Generalitat been warning of the irregular situation of the plant?
    What has the City Council done? : NOTHING
    Now to pay triple with the taxpayer's money.
    And they give themselves 9 months or a year to find another solution that involves waiting for someone "legal" to take over the plant.
    Yes, sir, that is working and having an interest in the citizen.
    From bad to worse
    But that is the "intelligent progress" that governs us... a shame.

  5. Ignacio says:

    Wow, is that the real reason for the closure? Justify a 200% increase? Let the Tourist Apartments pay for it and thus they begin to contribute to the society of which they take advantage.

    • Pau (FR) says:

      Don Ignacio,
      You well know that the vast majority of tourist apartments in Denia are illegal with the approval of our rulers who do not exercise compulsory control or any regulation.
      How are they going to pay their taxes for their activity, if "they don't exist".
      A greeting.

      • Ignacio says:

        Don Pau,
        How are they going to pay? Well, very simple, once and for all activating the Law, which already exists, against legal and illegal tourist rentals, that is their job too, Laws are invented to supposedly regulate and then they do not apply them, they do nothing.
        A greeting to you too and thanks for answering politely.

  6. July says:

    The only management they know how to do well is to fill their pockets at the end of the month. Is that why they charge such barbarities? To manage the public in such a deficient way? Is this why they asked for the vote? Another botch for the list.
