
The PP will create an information office for those affected by the demarcation of Costas

May 17 from 2011 - 16: 34

With this initiative, the Party It intends to centralize and expedite the information, one of the main demands of those affected by the demarcation of the Coasts. Besides, Ana Kringe He said that with the General Plan provides for sustainable growth, continuing with the current building of houses.

Also for areas of Las Rotas and Las Marinas, new telephone antennas will be installed to fill coverage gaps.

On the other hand, the mayoral candidate for the Popular Party has announced that in the short, medium and long term, the drafting of a Regeneration Plan for the beaches that both would be agreed with the
Generalitat as Costas, by which plan and have planned things like beach cleaning, sand contributions or creating natural barriers, among others.

Las Marinas propose complete installation of sewer and plan the progressive introduction of sewage and rainwater in the city.

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