
The Popular Party claims a covert Dénia IBI rise

25 September 2015 - 12: 54

El Party de Dénia has revealed that, in 2016, the 10% state surcharge that the Central Government imposed on the City Councils will disappear. This means, according to his calculations, that the Real Estate Tax (IBI) paid by citizens could lower their tax rate from the current 1,00% to 0,90%.

Ana Kringe with Pepa Sivera

The popular consider this a "covert rise" of the IBI and they ask "What has been the reason for hiding this information from the citizens of Dénia in the different appearances to talk about these Ordinances, why the reason for this covert rise in IBI has not been explained, what that collection will be used for and why that he PSOE de Dénia, now that he is in the government, does not preach with what was said in his day about this state rise in the IBI and makes a decrease in the tax rate and leaves it at 0,90%, which would mean economic savings for all the residents of Dénia ".

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