
The Equality Observatory UNED welcomes the actions of Women's Day

14 March 2015 - 09: 20

The Observatory of Equality of the UNED of Dénia has valued in a very positive way the events celebrated to commemorate the 8 of March, International Day of Working Women. All of them also counted on an important participation of the citizenship, highlighting the act celebrated in the Calle Marques de Campo the 8 day in which artists met to make a Flahsmob, magic, dance, dances, buzzes and read a text that promulgaba that the struggle to end inequality should be constant and continuous work.

Equality campaign UNED Dénia

Throughout the week the residents of Dénia could see several marquees in which six women distinguished in the Women's Day in recent years trying to make people meditate for equality through positive phrases.

The Equality Observatory UNED Dénia continues to work during the year in various activities and events in the cities that make up the Patronage XàbiaWhere also several activities took place.

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