
TDF proposes the creation of a bank of textbooks to meet the new school year

August 21 from 2013 - 00: 00

Mari Martínez, mayor of CDL, yesterday announced his intention to promote a school book bank for families who, like every year, must pay for educational materials. According to Martínez announced, "the situation for the parents of the students is complicated: the aid for books that the Ministry of the year 2012-2013 grants has not yet been paid and, for this year, they have not even been called."

Therefore, the CDL will present a motion to the plenary session of Dénia so that the City Council is actively involved in the implementation of a textbook bank. The system would be to implement the model that the federation of associations of parents of students, Gabriel Miró is carrying out successfully.

The City Council can provide information, coordination and storage space needed for the APAs from different schools who dare to start it, assuming an average saving per pupil of € 300 in books, free of charge grants.

TDF asks the municipality of Dénia creating a bank textbooks

Greater involvement in education

A year ago the Liberal Democratic Center called for greater involvement of the Department of Education on matters of coordination centers, which allow real savings for families. Namely the coordination of school transport so that buses was proposed combining these were complete and the price per trip turned out less.

The result was nil because as the mayor lamented TDF, Mari Martínez: "the Department of Education lacks its own initiative, beyond relaying orders Department."

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