
TDF requires the PSPV assume its share of responsibility for the debt of the City

14 September 2012 - 00: 00

More than 5 million euros, according to the calculations made by the charge of economic issues of the CDL, Toni Woodward, would be those that would correspond to the part of the debt generated by the PSPV-PSOE. In those 5 million, Woordward includes the indenmizaciones to the expropriations of the grounds of the hospital, the rescission to the previous company of the contract of works of the municipal swimming pool, the purchase of the land for the third health center, the irregular charges in the licenses working.

From the CDL they affirm that «el PSPV debería abandonar el camino de la demagogia y asumir su parte de responsabilidad en la deuda, para iniciar el camino de una colaboración sincera», while regretting that the Party has not yet decided to accept the collaboration of the CDL in matters of general importance.

Mari Martínez y Toni Woodward CDL

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