
The Bloc Jove alert isolation of the region if the 9 the Tram Line is removed

04 September 2012 - 00: 00

The latest news that appeared on the possible disappearance of Line 9 of the Tram, which connects Dénia and Benidorm, have put many groups in the region on alert. The Bloc Jove have warned of the total isolation of the Marina Alta si esto llega a suceder: «con la supresión de esta linea, las vías de entrada y salida de la comarca dependerían únicamente de peajes que aprovecha esta particularidad para incrementar sus beneficios a costa de unos ciudadanos castigados por el gobierno autonómico y estatal», afirma el secretario Blai Server.

Since this group are estiudiando the possibility of launching campaigns to raise awareness of the situation and rally support for securing the future of the line.

Tram line 9 in Dénia

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