
Alevín of MS Basketball Dénia finished fifth in the XIII National Tournament Alginet

26 September 2013 - 00: 00

For the third consecutive year the Club Basketball Alginet had the priceless detail invite Municipal school basketball DéniaTo participate in the XIII National Tournament Alevín counted this year with the participation of Joventut Badalona, ​​Unicaja Malaga, Valencia Basketball, CB Alginet, Amics Basketball Castelló and EMB Denia.

On the first day of the tournament matches in each of the two groups of three teams established giving the dianenses in two games against Valencia Basket and Unicaja played.

This led them to play the second day against the third classified the other group was the Friends of basketball Castellón who won easily in the fight for fifth place. Noting that the opposing coach turned out to be the Dianense and former principal of our school, Jordi Catala he studied teaching in the capital of La Plana.

In the fight for the bronze Alginet Valencia Basketball Host prevailed and the great and spectacular final Joventut Badalona won a final apretadísimo Unicaja Malaga putting finishing touches on a great competition.

The promising Dianense team works under the orders of Leo Alcaniz y Javier Calvo and it consists of fifteen players: Pedro Crespo, Roberto Rangel, Jorge Gil, Pau Escuriola, Joan Rosello, Carlos Moratalla, Marc Nadal, Joan Muñoz, Sebastián Ducos, Adrian Lasso, Jordi Soler, Daniel Aguado, Vicent Puigcerver, Paolo Adolphi and Arturo ADOLPHI.

Alevín good role Dénia MS Basketball Tournament at the National Alginet

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