
Dozens of people demonstrate in Dénia against the Bous a la Mar

09 July 2023 - 13: 30

As every year, the celebration of the Bous a la Mar in Dénia it has aroused the rejection of part of the population, who decide to show their discomfort by calling protest mobilizations. This Sunday one of these demonstrations took place that has been called under the town hall and has traveled several streets in the center of the city.

The bullfights in Dénia have always generated some controversy despite being one of the main events of the Festivities of the Santíssima Sang and one of the most presumed, starring almost every year in the posters announcing the Festival. In order to raise awareness among the population about the alleged animal abuse that is practiced in front of the public, several associations, which have been joined by some political formations, have encouraged neighbors to protest by participating in the demonstration called for this Sunday.

The support for this year's call has been higher than that experienced in previous editions, bringing together dozens of residents who have moved together with large banners from the ground floor of the town hall to Quatre Cantons.

Despite the fact that these protests are continuous, the City Council has always insisted that there is no debate in the street whenever reference has been made to the possibility of holding a citizen consultation on the Bous a la Mar.

  1. Luisa says:

    For Animals and the environment… Vote PACMA

  2. Gwyne says:


  3. Pepa says:

    But… enough of the cruel traditions!
    Who is capable of putting the life of an animal at risk and drowning? what a cruelty!
    Surely now that having one or two or more dogs as pets has become so fashionable, none of their owners will want something to happen to them. It is human, and, instead, a bull, what is it? a toy?
    We live in a world of abuse!!

  4. Marga Lizcano says:

    How sad that there are people who enjoy the mistreatment and fortress of animals!

  5. Joseph says:

    Is it animal cruelty?
    Or futility?
    Or the tradition?
    Lots of opinions but no answers.

    • Victoria says:

      I hope that the death of the animal today at noon gives you an answer, Josef

    • Gwyne says:

      To say it is tradition or culture is to excuse torture and cruelty.
      This event causes fear and pain in living, breathing, feeling, creatures.
      Denia should set an example to the rest of Spain and become a kind, caring, town, that celebrates life. STOP BOUS TO THE SEA

  6. Peter Hedlin says:

    The Bous al Mar is a total disgrace for Denia.
