
Clínica Glorieta details the keys to understand if vitamins positively affect our heart

24 July 2018 - 10: 16

Según un interesante estudio publicado por la revista ‘Circulation Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes (American Heart Association)’, conocemos que la toma de multivitamínicos no reporta ningún beneficio sobre el corazón, así lo detalla el cardiólogo Dr. de la Guía, en clinical Glorieta.

«Se calcula que al menos el 30% de la población de EE. UU. toma habitualmente multivitaminas y suplementos minerales, con el consiguiente coste sanitario y repercusión social que provoca», concludes.

The latest research in this study indicates that these products do nothing to protect our hearts. After an analysis of 18 studies (mean age 57.8 years) with a mean follow-up of 11.6 years, researchers have concluded that taking multivitamins and minerals does not provide any benefit in preventing heart attacks, strokes, or deaths caused by cardiovascular disease. 

doctor de la guia clinica glorieta

To reach this conclusion, a meta-analysis of the results of 18 trials spanning 12 years, with more than 2 million participants (2.019.862 people), was completed. Multivitamins and minerals were defined by the authors as dietary supplements that contain more than three vitamin and mineral ingredients. Products containing herbs, hormones, and drugs were not included.

The Glorieta Clinic, with the contribution of this study, wants to transmit:

1 If a person does not have a vitamin deficiency, there is no role for vitamin or mineral supplements in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. «No hay ‘píldora’ que podamos tomar en lugar de una buena dieta. Los suplementos multivitamínicos nunca serán un sustituto de una dieta saludable y balanceada», highlights the cardiologist.

2. If we want to improve our cardiovascular health we should improve the intake of fruits and vegetables and exercise more. And they advise that «la actividad física, tal y como hemos reflejado en diferentes post de nuestro blog, es la mejor medicina para nuestro sistema cardiovascular».

3. «Tomar suplementos multivitamínicos y de minerales no previene de padecer en un futuro un infarto de miocardio, un ictus o cualquier muerte por una causa cardiovascular», conclude from Glorieta Clinic.

For more information or questions about your health, do not hesitate to contact Clínica Glorieta, on the 96 643 54 37 phone.

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