
Clinica Glorieta Dénia implanted the smallest device to detect cardiac arrhythmias

February 14 from 2018 - 10: 05

The Cardiology service of the clinical Glorieta de Dénia is pioneering our region in the implantation of small devices known as "implantable Holter or Reveal®".

The Glorieta Clinic in Dénia is innovating in this way in cardiological techniques, with this small and comfortable device that is especially indicated in those people in whom there is suspicion of heart rhythm problems and that can be the cause of embolisms.

el doctor de la guia medtronic clinica glorieta

These devices are placed under the skin (subcutaneous) and serve to record the heart rate continuously, being very useful to detect arrhythmias (accelerated pulse: tachycardia, or slow: bradycardia). Many patients come to the doctor's office referring dizziness, palpitations or fainting, which could be due to an arrhythmia and usually can not be detected with an electrocardiogram (ECG) or with a record of 24 hours (conventional Holter).

Dr. Fernando de la Guía, responsible for the Cardiology service of the Glorieta Clinic indicates that "This subcutaneous implantable Holter is a tool that is being used more every day, because it allows us to control a patient's heart rhythm during an approximate time of 3 years" The cardiologist highlights that "this implantable Holter is allowing us the diagnosis of many arrhythmias known as atrial fibrillation that are responsible for many strokes and thrombosis".

Dr. De la Guía explains that the implant is very simple, "we do it in the same clinic, it does not need cables, we place it in less than 5 minutes, it has a battery that lasts approximately 3 years and registers all the problems that the rhythm of the patient's heart may have, such as pauses, blockages, Atrial fibrillation, etc., and best of all is that after the implant does not require rest or special care".

The cardiologist emphasizes that "This device is very small, like a pen-drive or a tie pin, it is implanted under the skin in the lower left chest area, it only needs local anesthesia, it does not need stitches, and it does not cause any discomfort to the patient. In total, in less than 5 minutes is placed and then the patient can join their usual activity" The specialist emphasizes that "The best thing about this new implantable Holter is that the problems registered are automatically issued from your home to the clinic computer through a modem installed in the patient's home, without having to go repeatedly to the consultation, and a small command that warns us of the presence of symptoms".

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