
Citizens criticized the stance of the government team about the health in the region

25 September 2015 - 00: 01

The mayor of Citizens Mari Martínez He has regretted that, after one hundred days of government, nationalists and socialists have broken their first promise. It refers to the termination of the contract with the company that manages the health service in the Marina Alta now that the mayor has recognized that it is not possible.

Mari Martínez - Dénia

Martinez regrets that the two parties that are now in the government «hayan utilizado electoralmente un tema tan sensible como la salud prometiendo lo que no podían cumplir y generando una enorme frustración que va a complicar el clima social en el hospital».

As he explains, the position of the Department aims to which has always defended his party, «hay un contrato que cumplir por ambas partes y que en caso de incumplimiento lo primero que exige la ley es obligar a cumplir, no la rescisión que con llevaría indemnizaciones millonarias».

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  1. Roberto Belarmino says:

    It is very true what it says .-

    In short, what interests the patient is to have a quality assistance and the quality is not what usually the public administration.

    The stubbornness does not lead to a climate of concord and creates a distrust that is spreading and that in the end everyone repeats even though they have not had any experience.
