
Chelet accuses the socialists of "torpedoing job creation in Dénia" by not supporting the Shopping Center

24 September 2012 - 00: 00

Government and Dianense opposition seem doomed not to understand each other. The councilor of commerce, Vicente Chelet, wanted to respond to the statements of the spokesman of the Socialists, Vicent Grimalt, which branded the project of the Shopping Center of the port of «cortina de humo»Giving priority to the implementation of a walk against the construction of a shopping center.

For Chelet, «Dénia es una ciudad de servicios cuya fuente principal de riqueza procede del turismo. Por esta razón la construcción de un centro comercial abierto singular que actúe como polo de atracción al combinar comercio, ocio y náutica representa una oportunidad vital para dinamizar la economía local y crear empleo».

Vicente Chelet exposes the difficulty of approaching 2012 budgets

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