Compromís - Politics

«Bona gent a l'esquerra de Ciudadanos»

February 23 from 2023 - 14: 38

I have been able to arrive at the article by Rafael De Bustamante, from Ciutadans, in which he analyzes the different parties “to the seua esquerra” (and more recently also als de la seua dreta) dedicating paraules to all and with the bona sort that qualifies us as a “bona gent”. Vull donar-li des d'ací les gràcies per les suues paraules, in a very sincere way. We can be proud of Dénia that our political life, despite our differences, is full of good people and politicians with good intentions. I could dedicate good words to all my rivals in these elections, which gives good faith that the political climate of our municipality is of high democratic quality. So, to begin, I will say that, with all my differences, in Ciutadans I have also met many good people.

Image: Rafael Carrió, the spokesperson for Compromís per DéniaRafael Carrió, the spokesperson for Compromís per Dénia

However, there remains a bad taste in my mouth and that is what affects me. “They are good people… PERU”. Because it seems that in politics això goes both ways, as if to be a good person for being a little ill·lusos, panfígols, creatures with good intentions but ultimately incapable. As if being a nice person was a bit suspicious. It seems that to be in politics cal to be a "roin" mica. Doncs bé, would you express in this xicoteta reflected that yes, in Compromís fem tot el possible per a ser bona gent. I both honor.

What do we understand to be good people in politics? Fer a policy of proximity and diàleg, which to the management capacity (demonstrated to Dénia and in the autonomous government) affixes escort and acknowledgment of their own error, because they are infallible, and respect all the sensibilities of our eyes.

Deia l'article that yes, we are “molt de la “terreta”. And such a return to be a good people, in municipal politics, follow the strong peus on earth, in each neighborhood of Dénia, in each district, in each rural area, with a very local look, to address the tangible and daily problem.

The article was an extrapolation of the state politicians to the different parties. And to nosaltres ins touched the “però… they are catalanistes”. Honestly, in our formation we are not dedicated to talking about whether Spain or Catalonia, but rather we have a determined bet to escape branchism. We don't ens amaguem, we are a profoundly valencianista part, but això is not a folkloric reduction, we understand valencianisme with a close look at the daily problems of valencians. Being a Valencian, in Dénia, is not for cultural festivities, sense doubts important. It is to look from a territorial perspective at the construction of a better life for our countrymen, whether they are still born in our land or not, they speak Valencian, Spanish, Chinese or English. Being a Valencian is one of the best public services, the best education, the best health, the best citizen participation. And yes, I feel good people, so much better, that they can't be bad people to manage.

It is doubtful that the citizens of Dénia are highly concerned about Catalan politics. However, trying to be good people and helping us come while we continue here, ask us why Dénia has thousands of buit apartments and our young people cannot access a habitat? Why do we have large hectares of rural land and we are not capable of turning it into a productive activity of which to be proud? Why don't we manage to eixir from the roda del sol and the beach, both of which have high levels of poverty at the regional level that are very worrying any rere any? Why is PP and PSPV difficult to see who brings the "tram" and there are no real mobility plans to connect Dénia with public transport to other municipalities, abandoning the idea of ​​the coastal train or other sustainable alternatives? Why do public parking spaces continue to proliferate throughout the municipality and it is not a fan of lanes or bike parking, unfortunately the fuel crisis will encourage more? Why can we be a place to retire for wealthy people from all over Europe, but the people of Dénia have to settle for a life of servitude for the students, with the fatalism of "this is what it is"? Why do the best medical professionals flee our Hospital?

State politics and the positions on many questions affect everyone (and I can't say that, if we are talking about state politics, citizens would be willing to look at the internal situation instead of reducing the others to topics), but municipal politics It is proximity, dialeg, escort. Faced with the fact that the initials of all have their state and regional reflection, the municipalities need to flee from branchism, from the internal political race and from grandstanding, to focus on the daily life.

Potser sounds innocent in this món of speeches and the politics of self-consumption per a l'aplaudiment dels propis. But, YES, we will be proud if the citizens of Dénia can say that, both our mistakes and our correctness, our coincidences and differences, all our team is "good people". Sense afegir-li cap "però" i amb la mà tended.

Rafael Carrio.

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