
"To the left of Citizens"

February 15 from 2023 - 11: 35

Ciudadanos allows us to contemplate politics from a privileged position, that of the liberal center. We do not have more red lines than those that are born of common sense. With that vision, we look to our left and see up to three parties that are competing for that space with different approaches and flags.

Occupying the foreground we have those who govern us today with an absolute majority. The local representatives of the ruling parties in the Valencian Community, the PSPV, and in Spain, Sanchez's PSOE. They have a tremendous task to disassociate themselves from the long shadow of the president with his gossip and nonsense. They are the same party although in its Valencian variant the letter O for worker has been dropped and they have adopted another denomination.

It is not easy to get rid of the already visible consequences of the Law of IF is IF. Furthermore, now they add the animal welfare law that contains unspeakable aspects such as having to take a course to be able to have a pet while no course is necessary, not even at a distance, to have an abortion or have a large family. I guess they have that scheduled for later in their indoctrinating route. It's better not to talk about the "trans" issue.

At the local level, we have spent an entire legislature seeing them slip like the ones in the bus and tram stations, without bathrooms for users or the waste of Plaza Valgamedios, made to undo it and then redo it just as they say they had planned from the beginning. principle, curious way of planning. One day they celebrate in a Municipal Plenary the demarcation that announces coasts for the beaches de Les Deveses and the following week they retract without any blush and point in the opposite direction. Perhaps because someone had to remind them that previously they themselves had approved a Motion against that demarcation. Now we are bombarded with all kinds of statements about what they are doing from the pages of the City Council, in the end it smells like electoral propaganda disseminated from public platforms, is that correct? and they proudly tell us that they are happy as children, because Dénia is not anyone's toy and our money even less. These self-proclaimed progressives think that public money belongs to nobody.

At his side, although conveniently ignored and devoured by the previous ones, stands Compromís. A largely pleasant people, very local and sharing the dream of their leaders Baldoví and Marzá, "The dream of the Catalan Countries", with the Valencian land turned into southern provinces of those countries and the Valencian language renamed as a dialect of another that was born later, a complicated matter to understand. This is indeed a separatist reverie that marks a sharp red line for the common sense of anyone who aspires to be part of a common Europe. A pity, because there are good people among them.

In the background on the left is Podemos, without municipal representation in the last legislature and with a very compromised situation in the Sanchez government. They have a very hungry travel companion who permanently eats their flags. They no longer seem to have the pride of having been faithful to their principles, wrong or not.

No, to our left we don't see anything that encourages us to think that it would be better there than where we already are, centered and liberal.

1 Comment
  1. Omniway says:

    That comment is very reasonable and true. It is a pity that the citizens are not aware of the good work carried out by the two councilors of this party and it is also a pity that the national effect of Ciudadanos can leave you without representation and that two such valid people who have done so much from the opposition they are left without repeating the council.
