
6º students will participate in a workshop on Social Skills

November 10 from 2011 - 14: 17

For the eighth consecutive year, the council of social welfare directed by Pepa Sivera organizes a Social Skills Workshop that will run the dianenses educational centers to promote and develop the competence, abilities and social skills of sixth grade students to know how to relate and be oneself to face the influences and pressures of the group.

Estos alumnos, de 11 años, se encuentran en una etapa complicada, la pre-adolescencia, en la que resulta interesante guiarles debido al importante cambio que van a sufrir: nuevos amigos, influencias, presiones…

Antonia Díaz, a professor at the Escola de Teatre Comarcal, will be responsible for delivering the workshop, which will begin on Monday November 14 in the school PaidosIntervening with dynamically school for an hour, using the methodology dramatization as group participation.

The first part of this workshop will be held next week and the second part, scheduled to reinforce the objectives, is scheduled from 5 to 9 March of 2012.

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  1. Thumbelina says:

    hola soy Luise I would like that the classes were easier because my daughter takes tens cone and social skills one 9, no right my daughter needs only 10es.
