
Some answers about the official English exam B2

11 March 2015 - 15: 00

Saladar study

Where this call is offered?

In academia estudioSaladar.

Can the academy estudioSaladar give the official exams that are required today?

Yes. EstudioSaladar Academy has been recognized as an examination center of English, German and Spanish for obtaining official organization certified by TELC (The European Language Certificate)

What is telc?

telc is a European organization with national and international recognition granted official certificates valid indefinitely. These telc certificates are regulated by the Common European Framework (CEF) on a scale of six levels: A1-A2-B1-B2-C1-C2 learning

What is the European Framework?

It is a European standard used to measure the level of knowledge of a language. For this 6 set these levels. Some institutions have another name for levels but always relate to this scale, such as Cambridge First or advanced EOI for the B2.

I work in education, do they me telc certificates for the demands of Conselleria?

Yeah right. Annex I of Resolution No.. 6803 / 25.06.2012 of DOGV convenes teachers to present accreditation in foreign languages ​​at the Department for Education, being telc valid certificate in four languages: English, German, French and Italian.

And as a college student I can prove this certificate?

Yes too. Annex I of 17 / 2013 of DOGV order certificates and diplomas attesting to the University competence in foreign languages ​​including including the certificate telc either for the program Erasmus mobility or ECTS credits required in regulating degree program.

When I can enroll?

The day April 11 there is a call in estudioSaladar B2 English Academy level, and it would have to register before March 13 in the same academy.

Will there be more calls?

Yes, during the year more calls are offered, here you can find out: http://www.estudiosaladar.com/examenes-oficiales/convocatorias.html

For more information, please contact the school where you will attend delighted.

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