
They warn of chaos that will cause cuts in health this summer

May 03 from 2013 - 00: 02

The Speaker of the BlockCompromís, Josep Crespo, has warned the government team of the chaos that will mean for Dénia the cuts that the Ministry of Health has planned for the summer months in health centers and hospitals, which will mean the closure of most outpatient clinics at 15 hours and the reduction in substitutions of health personnel.

Crespo require the mayor to urge the Department to not leave without services centers Dénia for so many hours. I regretted Josep Crespo new cuts announced since «suponen un nuevo ataque al estado del bienestar».

Since Compromis is alleged that these measures are being taken unilaterally, without having made any assessment of how it will affect users and without the health professionals who will face cuts in Dénia, but it warns that «será un caos, dada la gran cantidad de visitantes que recibe la ciudad durante los meses veraniegos».

Josep Crespo Bloc Compromís en Dénia

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