
The fire did its job and ended failures 2015

20 March 2015 - 02: 13

It has a fundamental role in the party and fulfilled its work: the purifying fire ended with the 23 official monuments that during these days have been on the streets of Dénia to put an end to the failures of 2015.

Those responsible for lighting the wick of the cremà were the biggest falleras of Dénia, Carla Petrie y Candela PastorWho saw tearfully how the monument created by Vicent Gayà for Local Board Fallera It was engulfed in flames and ended his magical year.

Cream failure of the Local Board Fallera - Carla and Candela in cremà

Previously, Carla and Candela received from artists with a ninot each as a memento of the small glitch and shared their courts of honor emotional farewell hugs and tears.

The cream of the failure of the Local Board Fallera marked the beginning of a long night of fire and rockets throughout the city ending late in the morning and ended Dénia failures this year.

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