
Wellness through relaxation, free chat in Orenda Center

20 June 2014 - 00: 00

Work, a move, a change of city, haste, ... we have all experienced stress.

In our daily lives we often encounter situations that cause us discomfort. We feel stressed, tense, without time. Anchored in the past or worried about the future.

We are full of good purposes and we all intend to look for a moment for ourselves, but it is hard for us to get it and in the end it never comes, we have time for all but us!

Time for you

Centro Orenda He proposes you to find a space for relaxation, to ward off negative thoughts and recover well-being. How? Through relaxation and breathing techniques that will help you release the physical and mental tension accumulated in the body.

Benefits of relaxation

Relaxing brings many benefits to the body. On a physical level, when we relax, our blood pressure drops, our heart rate decreases, our defenses increase, we stimulate blood flow, we reduce cholesterol levels, breathing becomes slower and deeper, filling all our organs with oxygen , cells and our brain.

At the mental level, it reduces the levels of stress, anxiety and anger, which makes us think more clearly. It also improves concentration in the here and now and encourages the creation of positive thoughts.
On a spiritual level, we produce the peace and serenity that we need so much. It connects us with intuition and with our instinct that guides us. Relaxation allows us to look inward to connect with ourselves and with our inner wisdom. In that state, we can look at our thoughts as spectators, without judging ourselves or being mediated by reason and let them flow without more, while the body replenishes and rests deeply.

There is no better time than the one we dedicate to ourselves. Because if we take care of ourselves and love each other, we can take care and love others.

Orenda relaxation workshop

Free talk about relaxation

Centro Orenda invites you to participate in its free talk on Wednesday 2 of July at 19.30 in Orenda Center for Alternative Therapies.
In addition, on Saturday, July 5 Centro Orenda will hold a 10 Relaxation Workshop: 00 at 13.30 hours. For more information and registration call 965 780 690 or write to centroorenda@gmail.com

The workshop will be taught by Mariana Rodriguez (Emotional Therapist).

Wellness Center Orenda

Text by Mariana Rodriguez

Contact Orenda

C / Senija, No. 5-low, Dénia
965 78 06 90
625 501 837
Monday through Friday from 9: 30 to 13: 30h and 16: 30 to 19: 30h
Food, "Salud"
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