
The Bureau sum 600 kilos of food thanks to Mig Any Solidari of the Parties Dénia

February 17 from 2014 - 00: 01

With spring weather that nothing indicated that we were in mid-February, the Calle Marques de Campo hosted last Saturday morning the joint celebration of the Mig Any of the Festa Major de Dénia.

From the first hour of the morning, five of the rocks of the Dénia parties They met in the third section of the main artery of the city to begin with the atmosphere and the preparation of the paellas.

Enlivened by the charanga Cachorras Band, the club members encouraged people to collaborate with this initiative held for the second year in order to help the neediest people in Denia by donating food for the Bureau.

Finally, after several hours of gathering food, 600 kilos to be shared among Red Cross, the Evangelical Church, the Salvation Army and Caritas and will go to social functions were collected.

Each rock paellas cooked two, one for themselves and another to distribute among the people who helped bringing non-perishable food. The Festival Committee, headed by Councilman Paco ArnauDid the same adding to the solidarity of the dianenses.

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