
Dénia ask citizens what to spend the 8 million of Trust Plan de la Generalitat

21 October 2013 - 05: 00

The municipality of Dénia has launched a process of public participation so that citizens are responsible for choosing the projects in which to allocate the funds of the Trust Plan of the Generalitat. In total, these funds amount to 8.158.896 euros, of which 287.310 euros will go to La Xara and 135.335 euros to Jesús Pobre.

The municipal government has compiled a list of 37 possible actions selected taking into account the parameters of the Local Action Plan of the 21 Agenda approved in 2009 and also following the principles of economic dynamism, urgency and public interest, as indicated by the mayor, Ana Kringe.


The projects

A new bus station; the redevelopment of Arxiduc Carles square, Sandunga and Fontanella streets, Camí del Cementeri or La Mar street; the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Diana and Joan Fuster streets or the adaptation of the industrial estate are other proposed actions.

How to vote for a project

To cast the vote, you have to enter the Website of the 21 Local Agenda of Denia and select ten projects from the list. Each IP address may issue a single vote. The voting process opened yesterday at noon and will close on Friday 25 in October.

At the end of the survey period, a report will be made of the ten most voted projects for economic justification before the Ministry of Finance. The selected actions will also be discussed in a Municipal Finance Commission and will be approved in full.

Councilman 21 Agenda, Vicente Chelet, recalled that the election of projects that are now subject to public voting "is not new" but emerged from a methodology of participation prior to the approval of the Local Action Plan, "reference document that already included them". Likewise, the priorities expressed by the technicians of the different municipal departments and the opinion of bodies such as the Tourism Council, associations and the municipal opposition groups have been taken into account.

  1. Josema says:

    Good initiative!!!! I voted

  2. Lucia says:

    I do not understand, really. It turns out that they try to involve many citizens, they set up a page with a poll so that we can all vote and not a few and now it turns out that there are even some who say it does not work.
    But where are we ????
    I have voted. And my vote has counted. How can you say the opposite?
    Really, I do not understand. We are given the opportunity and we waste our time with these things.
    I think they have been very successful. It is the best thing they could do to make EVERYONE decide what to spend the money on.
    And as for the criticism of the PSOE, and what I was missing. Your proposals are inside and you can vote too. So, what do you criticize? Have you had this idea for everyone?
    The same would have liked them to do what they wanted when the PAqui ruled. Really, what you have to see

  3. Jose says:

    I think it's a great idea. It is the only way to know everyone's opinion.

  4. Saniya says:

    My mother, how is the calico? I think it's great that this query has been made. I have been able to vote. It works perfectly.
    I think it is the best way to reach the citizens and to the maximum possible number.
    I have participated in the agenda some time ago and what is missing from the PAL of 2009, are projects that were proposed by the agenda and that have not yet been executed.
    Many others yes. Before speaking, inform yourself a little

    • other says:

      Saniya, since you "know so much", please inform this "people so ignorant". Thank you

      • saniya says:

        I know so much because I have been participating in the agenda for years, giving my opinions. And the ignorant thing, I imagine you will say it for you

        • other says:

          Saniya, the one that participates in the forum, does not mean that you know, nor that you are intelligent. When you do not say simple, the audience will reconnect you

  5. Pepa says:

    But now seriously: someone still believes that these
    famous 8 million of the «Mistrust Plan» exist?

  6. I xelo says:

    It is very important to create a peripheral round to alleviate the traffic jams that occur in summer and that are unbearable for people who live in the seas and in the broken ones.
    The sewer system of the city and the city's drainage systems is also very important.
    Improve and relocate the bus station.
    And stop doing things that are not priority.
    First the infrastructures and then "the decoration"
    It is my opinion

  7. other says:

    Salvador, don't be a rude "gili" and write in the language you read this news

  8. Eduardo says:

    In principle the link to vote does not work, but if you want to know my opinion about it here I leave the comment.
    I think the most successful investment, would be to make space in conditions for pets, with a piece of the 19 Kms of beaches of which Denia quite boasting.
    Ahhh and of step to see if this comment is good for something, to the 10 of the morning and with a sun that clears the earth, it is not necessary that all the streetlights of the street are lit, that this costs us money to the citizens .

  9. Mercedes says:

    You also need a shopping center with several movie theaters, so you do not have to travel to Ondara. The city of Denia, it deserves it.

  10. paula says:

    But it would be worth to dedicate them to cancel the debt of the town hall, because doing projects, without studying profitability or subsequent maintenance costs will not be of any use. See, for example, the solar streetlights in camí sant joan i cami merle, in a stretch where there are 40 lampposts only half work 7 (350.000 €) or the famous bike path (other 300.000 €) or the green area of ​​Al Khalif, which is supposed that now they have to withdraw (another peak)
    In short, as long as there is not a bit of sanity and coherence, both in the government team and in opposition, economic, criminal, civil and political responsibilities, to those who make this type of decision that supposes a great effort for those who pay taxes, more would be worth that they were simply dedicated to maintaining a neat city.

  11. other says:

    Insane. »Plan approved in 2009 ″, and now it wants to come to light. !! As if to remember the cleaning of the regatxo in front of Rest.Fernando and lots in its surroundings
