
Marta Lledó and Leyre Ivars, Falleras Over Fault West 2013 / 2014

07 2013 April - 19: 06

Failure Western District under the chairmanship of David Ochoa and Joan Martí unveiled last Saturday 6 April at Falleras Over our District for fallero year 2013 / 2014, charges levied by Marta Lledo Martí as Fallera Mayor and Leyre Pastor Ivars as Fallera Mayor Infantil.

The event took place in the "Espai Faller" where more than a hundred people gathered for dinner and congratulate the highest representatives of our committee. The ceremony was also attended by the New Offices of the different districts and the FFMM of Dénia Marta and Rocío accompanied by the President of the Local Board Fallera Jaume Bertomeu.

Upon completion of the act of Treta the party continued. From the Falla Oeste We appreciate the attendance of all to this event and invite you to attend the next Sunday 14 of April to the food of "tip" in the Casal Pascual García.

Falla West, Cavalquem per la festa!

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