
Dénia Quiropráctica

Diana Street, Apartment No. 46 3 10º- Door

  1. mercedes says:

    Pictured above there mad, I suffer all less constipation
    I am cleaning the quarry em hospital and my back, my legs, hands, ie, from head to toe is a continuous pain.
    I 12 take as pills every day
    I fall into depression or my children. But qye cin my 53 years, I can no more.

  2. Senia says:

    Due to excessive lifting a heavy weight, I started to first head ache, migraine headache and then he put me stiffen the middle finger of the right hand, I lost strength and have a pretty sharp pain, I think I have been misaligned the column, you can do anything? I'm spending a few days in Denia. Thank you

  3. Javier says:

    thanks to the doctor now I dance without fear

  4. Paula says:

    I owe a lot to Dr. Robin because Adema be fantastic as a person and as a professional course has helped me overcome my problems mcuh of sciatica,
    I always recommend ,.
    With it changed my life

  5. Maria Sánchez says:

    A Dr. Robin met her years ago in his office 10 Street Quevedo, I tried for a problem in my column and was a success, then kept going to the Diana Street. And since then, when I have a problem with my back, muscle or of any type, for example sprains, always I come to it; both Gata and Denia. From my experience I recommend to everyone. Excellent professional and person.

  6. Pilar Ballester says:

    For years I come to this query, thanks to chiropractic I have solved several problems that appeared in my life as osteoarthritis, which were affecting me a lot, now I have much more quality of life, I advise it to everyone, I have much to thank Dr. Robin

  7. josefa says:

    I had a sciatica force myself to stay 3 months without work until a neighbor recommended I go to Virginia Robin and soon improvement was tremendous and will also detect scoliosis my daughter came to me to the consultation, with 16 years nobody had detected now has better posture and radiographically is much improved, we are very pleased with the results.

  8. elia says:

    Thanks to Dr. Robin my health has improved a lot, I can sleep at last and live without pain without resorting to medication, he had a ciatica that forced me to spend a long time low and my doctor recommended it and now be me who also recommended.

  9. maria vicenta says:

    I long ago that I go to the street quiropractica
    target would first consultation in gata but since I'm going Denia
    Now this, I was going so well that now are my parents and my
    couple. I advise

  10. Lucas Gomez says:

    Robin was the first chiropractic doctor in Denia, over 10 years ago.
    I treatment for acute pain in the lower back and I was really good. Few sessions I was able to return to work (I'm Gardener) and, thanks to maintenance sessions I have not had a relapse.
    I recommend for their professionalism.
