
To resolve scoliosis, consult your chiropractor

05 September 2013 - 00: 00

Scoliosis is a deviation of the spine. Scoliosis is generally characterized by a curve to one side which can cause have a hip or higher than the other shoulder, or more prominent than the other scapula. It usually occurs during growth, affecting 9 times more girls than boys.


What causes scoliosis?

In most cases it develops without any abnormality of the vertebrae and is said to be idiopathic, meaning that the cause is not known.

The balance of the spine depends directly on the work of the muscles. If more muscle tension on one side of the column to the other, the spine is misaligned, if this process takes place while the vertebrae are still soft about to harden the growth process, the column will remain bent even after correcting muscle imbalance.

These muscular tensions can result from physical, chemical or emotional stress.
A chiropractor will detect skeletal muscle imbalances, seek why looseness of some muscles or stress of their antagonists, the existence of a shorter leg, correct joint disorders.

Dr. Robin Virgine about Scoliosis

The chiropractor fix the problem sometimes without parents to take for aware that scoliosis was about to unfold.

Correction of spinal disorders is the only way to prevent scoliosis.

RECOGNITION FOR FREE SCREENING Scoliosis CHILDREN / 14 UP AS YEARS, do not miss this opportunity and CALL CENTER CHIROPRACTIC: 65286044.


C / Diana No. 46, pta 3º 10 DENIA

avenue Marina Alta No. 19 Low (CN 332) GATA DE GORGOS.

Contact Dénia Chiropractic

Diana Street, Apartment No. 46 3 10º- Door
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