
Compromís and PP organize two commemorative acts for the 9 d'October in Dénia

Event Date: 09th October 2018
Event type: Other events
Site: It is explained below
Schedule: It is explained below
Home: Free
Event finished

Desde que comenzó la legislatura, en 2015, no se ha celebrado en Dénia ningún acto institucional conmemorando el 9 d’Octubre. Los miembros de Compromís They continue celebrating their traditional act in the Jaume I square, and for some years, also the PP it adds to the celebrations with an act of its own.

senyera valenciana

This year, the first to celebrate will be the popular ones. At 12:00 in the morning they have summoned friends and sympathizers to an act at the doors of the Social Center, as they have been doing in recent years. After several parliaments, the Retired Home Choir will perform, and then there will be a balloon for the little ones sponsored by the Brotherhood of Sant Roc and a tasting of mistela and sweet coca.

Compromís will celebrate its act to the 12: 30 in the Jaume I square, at the foot of the statue of Jaume I. The act will be led by the local secretary, Vicent Català, and will have the parliaments of the spokesman of Compromís in the Diputación de Alicante, Gerard Fullana, and the councilor in the City of Dénia, Eva Round. Both will review the municipal and national policy, and vindicate Valencianism in this historic day. Next, the muixeranga with dolçaina i tabalet while the offering of flowers is made to the monument of Jaume I.

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