
Arena Dragons, the Cyber ​​Arena team, will participate in the DreamHack in Valencia with the best gamers in the world

12 July 2018 - 13: 14

Players and professional teams from twenty countries will meet this weekend at the Dreamhack 2018, the event gamer most important in Spain, held in Valencia, with awards of up to 250.000 euros for participants.

dreamhack 2018 valencia

Team members will move there Arena Dragons, the first team of the Marina Alta who is going to compete and fight to be with the great professional teams. The team, sponsored by Cyber ​​Arena, arrives to the Dreamhack 2018 at its best, after a journey that began a year and a half ago. A project that is consolidating and with a lot of projection for the immediate future. They will participate in the games of Fortnite and Clash Royale.

Currently Arena Dragons has more than 4000 followers on their twitter account @ArenaDragons.

The e-sports industry is gaining more and more relevance, year after year. Every day more young people see an opportunity to dedicate themselves professionally to videogames and, in fact, they achieve it. In Spain this industry is still under development, but in countries such as the United States or Japan, talking about electronic sports is already a reality and many people make their way of life.

dreamhack 2018

Contact Cyber ​​Arena

Avenida de Alicante, 7
96 643 26 20
Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and from 17:00 p.m. to 19:30 p.m. Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 13:30 p.m.
Picture / Sound / Electronics, Leisure and entertainment, Stores
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