
Jesús Pobre trusts that in the next edition (August 2018) the Scheldt be BIC

07 March 2018 - 07: 37

The way of the Scheldt Pansa In order to be declared a Site of Intangible Cultural Interest, it faces its final stretch. After the modifications recommended by the Conselleria, on Tuesday the mayor and president of Jesus Pobre, Javier Scotto, presented by registration the technical documentation necessary to obtain the denomination.

And it did it with an important change: the involvement of all the central regions in the BIC request. It was one of the recommendations to the promoters of the declaration of the Scheldt as BIC, by understanding that it is a process that has been carried out in a certain area. Therefore, the new BIC nomenclature will not only affect l'escaldà of Jesús Pobre, but also to the municipalities of the regions Marina Alta, Marina Baixa, La Safor, Vall d'Albaida, the two Riberas and l'Horta Nord.

After about three years of paperwork, this is the final line of the denomination, which comes with more than 600 neighborhood firms, five agreements of neighborhood associations, twenty agreements of municipalities, two agreements of county institutes, an intercomarcal agreement, and the Welcoming of the Provincial Councils of Alicante and Valencia.

Since Jesús Pobre they hope that the next month of August, when the Scheldt of this year, already do it as an Asset of Cultural Interest with a resolution approved favorably.

To achieve this, the documentation sent to the Conselleria consists of a hand-stitched technical sheet as a reflection of a traditional process that includes the identification of the process, its historical evolution, dating back to the 42 year after Christ, and even graphic information with pictures of Sorolla that reflect the escaldà process when he came to visit a sister-in-law to Jesús Pobre and lived the escaldà de la pansa en Xàbia.

In this technical file, coordinated by Jesús Pobre as promoter of the denomination, the Macma, the Iecma, the Ieva (Institut d'Estudis de la Vall d'Albaida), the associations have collaborated riuraus Vius (Marina Alta) and Riuraus Albernissa (La Safor), the municipal archaeologist of Xâbia, Joaquim Bolufer; Lluís Fornés, the Sifoner and Carlos Fuster, great connoisseurs of the process.

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