
Thousands of children receive Santa Claus in Dénia hours before Christmas Eve

23 December 2017 - 18: 59

Santa's visit is one of the most anticipated of the year. A good example of this is the interest it arouses, generating large queues in the center of Dénia for boys and girls, accompanied by their families, to meet in person who will deliver the gifts this Christmas.

Santa Claus arrived accompanied by the ballet of Patricia Sentí and his elves, who paraded down the street Diana accompanied by the music of the Youth Band of the Musical Artistic Association of Dénia.

When they arrived at the City Hall, thousands of children were already waiting in line to give Santa their letters and take a picture with him. The great protagonist of the afternoon did not hesitate to receive all the children who were waiting for him and to take an interest in the gifts that have been requested this Christmas.

At the end, the attendees were able to have a snack thanks to the Commission of Parties Dénia and they also had the opportunity to participate in a face-painting workshop.

1 Comment
  1. Leon says:

    I mentrestant els veins of carrer Ondara and bottle printing will access als seus domicilis utilitzant llanternes per no tindre enllumenat in l'acabat de, i perf asfaltada, carrer Ondara.
    Mai, with so little investment (a parell of punts of llum) would have such a positive action as necessary.
    Assure that ho faran
