
President of the Chamber of Commerce, José Enrique Garrigós, a preacher of the Moors and Christians in Dénia

09 June 2016 - 00: 03

The Moors and Christians Denia already have crier for the holidays this year. President of the Federation, Miguel Ángel Fullana, announced late on Wednesday that the charge of the task this year will be Jose Enrique Ibáñez Garrigós a festero of Xixona linked to the Moors and Christians in Dénia for over 20 years ago.

José Enrique Garrigós Ibáñez

Garrigós is President of the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante; President of the Regulatory Council of nougat Xixona and Alicante, and full member of the committee of the House of Spain; President of the Association of Appellations of Origin of Spain; Vice Alicante Port Authority; President for Europe of National Denominations of Origin and International Vice President of the American Association of Chambers of Commerce.

In the section festero José Enrique Garrigós is a member of the festivities of Xixona since birth. There has been founder of comparsas, capes squad and has held the position of captain. Denia belongs to filà walies, Which this year has named him Honorary 1º ORT.

For Fullana is "pride and satisfaction" Garrigós have as crier, "First of all for being a party, because he likes it and because it has been part of the party for many years". The president acknowledged that some time ago but known "I know he's a very close person, and it's nice to meet you".

Garrigós, of 68 years old, spends the summer in Dénia "Because my wife and my daughters love it", And he expressed "very proud" of this appointment, which he acknowledged has been "an honor".

José Enrique Garrigós open the Moors and Christians in Dénia in honor of Sant Roc on Friday August 5 in the Plaza del Consell.

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