
Know more about quiromasaje in the special course of the 11 June Orenda

08 June 2016 - 00: 00

En Orenda They offer a kind of perfect massage to get recover from ailments or simply enter a state of wellness and relaxation.

And now also they want to publicize this massage and train you to pursue it. You can not miss the course the next day 11 June.

Chiromassage comes from griegro "quiros" (hands) and "massage" meaning "or squeeze gently knead".

With this technique, the quiromasajista valued client status and apply appropriate pressures and movements of muscles, organs and tissues. Through Quiromasaje we obtain the following benefits:

1.- generalized decrease in fatigue. After a quiromasaje we feel more vigor and energy to face the day.
2.- reduces and relieves body pain. By releasing tensions and muscle contractures, mobility between tissues it is improved, relieving pain.
3.- improves blood circulation and liquids. What it helps us more drainage, to deshincharnos and feel lighter.
4.- relaxes us and helps us eliminate as harmful psychological and physical "stress".
5.- promotes the removal of fat deposits and toning the muscles. Thus improving our silhouette by helping the body eliminate cellulite or recover after a sporting effort, etc.

Quiromasaje Course Orenda

Quiromasaje applications are many, for example; improves headaches, cellulite, varicose veins, lumbago, sciatica, torticollis, sprains or strains, tendonitis, and also in case of insomnia, general fatigue, lack of energy, etc ...

It asks and course information quiromassage June! In the middle Orenda , Senija Street, No. 5-low, Dénia.

Wellness Center Orenda

Contact Orenda

C / Senija, No. 5-low, Dénia
965 78 06 90
625 501 837
Monday through Friday from 9: 30 to 13: 30h and 16: 30 to 19: 30h
Food, "Salud"
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