
Presentation of the "II Cursa de la Dona"

01 October 2015 - 00: 00

The group of athletes, "Enganxat running"Presented at the Casa de la Paraula de la Maritime station Denia, the "II Cursa de la Dona”. The test that will be held on October 25 in the capital of the Marina Alta, combines the solidarity side with the sports side.

Presentation II Cursa de la Dona in Dénia

The race will be to line the departure and arrival Calle Marques de Campo It will start at 10'30. The tour is totally urban 4.500 meters and can be done in two ways; walking or running.

Registration is open and organization has established a maximum number of participants 1.500. It can be formalized on the web somesport. The price is 6 euros and one of them will go for Matria Association, an association of women who fight against gender violence. The deadline is until the day 21 October at 20 hours.

A video was presented during the presentation of the test where Dianenses citizens expressed their support for the test. The mayor of Equality also showed their support for the race, Elisabeth Cardona and sportswear, Marián Tamarit, Present at the event.

Participants in the race I Cursa de la Dona

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