
The Tenth Crusade stars in the pageantry of Christian captaincy, Guerrers Hospitalaris

August 16 from 2015 - 01: 49

In the summer of 1269 he landed at the port of Denia a message for the captain of the Knights Hospitallers of Dénia Warriors from the city across the Mediterranean: San Juan de Acre. Come to ask for help because his city, in 1191 conquered by Richard the Lionheart in the Third Crusade, it is in critical moments. Mohammedan hosts pressed to conquer their lands and warlike brotherhoods, among which are the Hospitallers Warriors are exhausted.

17 Gala Parade Guerrers Hospitalaris - Knight hospital knights of San Juan

Ambassador Josep Roig Martí, attends Christian Dénia looking captain, Salvador Gil García de León, which claim to be a descendant of Richard the Lionheart. He come to ask his advice and put together the X Crusade to assist the Christian followers in the Holy Land.

After consultations and ecclesiastical bendidiones, brotherhood summoned all the knights and troops from all European Christendom to arm from Dénia X Crusade, so that, as in the Third Crusade, we go to San Juan de Acre in command Christian captain.

16 Gala Parade Guerrers Hospitalaris - Ambassador

After his victory, the captain and his standard bearer, MªJosé López Abellán, will plant his flag in the highest tower of the citadel of Acre.

This is the story behind the pageantry of the Christian captain, in charge of the filà Guerrers Hospitalaris, which brought to the streets three ballets, five music bands, four squads and three floats.

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