
The Ombudsman urges the City Council Dénia connected to a sewage system development

08 December 2016 - 08: 08

The Ombudsman of Valencia, José Cholbi, addressed to the City of Denia to recommend that «inicie y dirija el proceso para conectar el edificio (Laguna Beach) a la red general de alcantarillado».

Urbanization Laguna Beach

De esta manera, el defensor del pueblo valenciano responde a la queja de una representante vecinal en la que manifestaba que había solicitado al consistorio la conexión de su inmueble con la red general de alcantarillado sin haber recibido contestación hasta el momento. La afectada ponía de manifiesto que en la actualidad, los residuos se evacuan a fosa séptica «con los gravísimos riesgos» tanto para la salud pública como para el medio ambiente que esta práctica pudiera ocasionar debido a posibles filtraciones en la red de agua potable y a su proximidad al mar.

The Ombudsman understands that, under current regulations, municipalities are obliged to provide, inter alia, sewer service and neighbors, meanwhile, are entitled to claim the benefit. Sewer service is a mandatory provision and can not be extended in time endowment to affected households, notwithstanding that the council can establish the appropriate special contributions to cover the costs of implementation.

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  1. Antonio Aseijas Carmona b says:

    We will have to denounce those who are paying Sindic sanitation in Denia and we have no network that connect

  2. miguel ange says:

    The council will make the same case to the Ombudsman he did when he urged him to provide street lighting to the residents of Les Deveses area belonging to Denia (which seems to be reminding, but to collect taxes must not) . The basic needs of some residents of Denia remain anchored in the nineteenth century and the work of the Ombudsman seems to fall on deaf ears with this council, govern who governs.
