
Follow the 10 tricks of Clinica Doctor Castelblanque for this summer

27 July 2015 - 00: 00

The holidays are here, the summer and free time, and what better time to take care of ourselves, stay healthy and at ease with ourselves. Thus Dr. Clinical Castelblanque brings you a list of 10 tips and recommendations to consciously enjoy summer to the fullest.

Throughout the summer, they will develop the tips in detail so that you can benefit from them and learn these little healthy tricks. We begin with the first two tips:

1. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

Water is a vital fluid in our body, and essential for the development of our vital functions.

In summer our body suffers a greater loss of body fluids and must compensate by drinking more and incorporating into our diet foods rich in water.

Each person should drink an average of 2 to 3 liters of water per day in summer, but we should not wait for thirsty to drink fluids, but we must overtake.

Clinic Doctor Castelblanque

2. Beware our friend Lorenzo

In summer, our body undergoes greater exposure to the sun, so we must protect ourselves and be cautious. The best protection for heat are good shade, sunglasses, clothing and hats of all kinds.

But to protect our skin from sunlight should use a sunscreen cream on exposed parts luzcamos as face or hands.

Below, a series of recommendations to protect us from the sun and the heat of summer.

  • We must avoid exposing ourselves to the sun in the central hours of the day, which is when the sun's rays are strongest (between 10 and 4 in the afternoon).
  • Search the shadows. In the hours of greatest radiation we must take advantage of shady places, but knowing that trees, awnings and umbrellas do not give total protection.
  • Use clothing that protects us. Hats, goggles and caps significantly reduce eye damage due to the sun.
  • Use creams with sunscreen that have a protection factor equal to or greater than 30.
  • Avoid UVA rays and tanning lamps, as they increase the risk of skin cancer and damage the eyes.

Do not miss soon the advice of Dr. Clinical Castelblanque.

Dr. Clinical Castelblanque

Contact Castelblanque Aesthetic Clinic

C / Marques de Campo, 46. 4º 9 floor door. Oficampos building.
609 29 00 44
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9: 30 to 15: 30h. Tuesday from 15 to 20: 30h
Beauty, Leisure, "Salud"
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