Falla Les Roques - Fallas - Parties - Leisure - Santissima Sang

Roques, the best float 2010

11 July 2010 - 01: 22

The work of the Roques fault was rewarded on Saturday night when they uncovered the pennant that awarded them the first prize of Carrozas 2010. This year's theme was the Hindu motifs, and the commission jumped for joy when it met that first prize, a joy that flooded all those present near the rostrum of C / Marqués de Campo.

In children, the joy went to the Baix la Mar district, which took first prize with a float also titled "Baix la Mar", full of colors and marine motifs.

Y si de colores hablamos no podemos olvidar a la falla ganadora del primer premio en comparsas, la falla Port Rotes, que bajo el lema «Algo Chiquitito» ofreció unos magníficos disfraces, imaginación y una muy buena coreografía.

In addition to the fallas districts, the parade of floats attended the falleras over Dénia 2010 and their courts of honor, falleras and belleas guests of Elda and Gandia, regional houses of Andalusia and Castilla la Mancha, members commission Mare de Deu dels Desemparats which tapitas dried octopus distributed between public- and 2010 fifth.

Large floats prizes were:

1.- Roques
2.- Darrere del Castell
3.- under the sea
4.- Diana
5.- Paris Pedrera
6.- salt marsh
7.- Centro
8.- West
9.- Campaments
10.- Port Rotes
11.- Camp Roig

Palmares of child carriages was:

1.- under the sea
2.- Campaments
3.- salt marsh
4.- Centro
5.- Roques

And the classification of the groups was:

1.- Port Rotes
2.- Darrere del Castell
3.- Centro

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