
Quique Dacosta kitchen with her grandmother in Paris

May 16 from 2017 - 16: 27

An endearing quote expected Quique Dacosta in Paris. The chef traveled to the French capital accompanied his family to participate in an event that will not soon forget: cooking with her grandmother Mari. And they did it at a gala in which they unveiled the prestigious gastronomic list About Dining 2017 Opiononated which recognizes the hundred best restaurants in Europe and in the Spanish cook who lives in Dénia ranked eighth.

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Dacosta cooked a goat stew with peppers charrascones under the supervision of his predecessor, who claimed that «representa todos los valores que me han ayudado a llegar donde estoy». An excited Dacosta recognized that «cuando me propusieron cocinar junto a mi abuela en París y en un evento tan especial me emocionó la idea y no lo dudé. Compartir nuestra pasión en esta ciudad maravillosa es muy especial para mí».

At the gala, he held under the theme My grandmother's kitchen, The Spanish chef also shared stove cooks the likes of Alais Passard, Andreas Caminada or Alexandre Couillon.

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