
What will the weather be this weekend and the October holidays in Dénia?

08 October 2021 - 10: 05

Llega el esperado fin de semana del Nou d’Octubre, Día de los Valencianos y Valencianas, y lo recibimos mirando al cielo. La lluvia amenazará con obligarnos a pasar varias horas a cubierto, aunque parece que dará más tregua de la esperada hace unos días.

According to the predictions of the State Meteorological Agency, despite the heavy rains a few days ago for this weekend, it seems that we will finally enjoy the sun for more hours than expected. There will be rain, yes, but everything indicates that it will be concentrated, for the most part, in a single day.

On Saturday Nou d'Octubre the weather will be good. Finally, the rain will have almost no presence. Only a few drops may fall in the morning, but the rest of the day will be very dry. The maximum temperatures will be 24º and the minimum 17, very similar to the one that will be repeated the following days.

El Sunday It will be the day of the rain, with a probability of 95% at this time. Throughout the day there will be heavy rains, both in the morning and in the afternoon.

El MondayIn the morning, we will wake up with the black sky. However, the precipitation that may accompany it will be scarce and brief, since the sun will return from noon.

On Tuesday October 12, a national holiday, it will be a day without rain. The sky will not be completely clear, but no water is expected during that day.

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