Health Alert - Politics

Opinion of Vicent Grimalt, mayor of Dénia: «From home»

09 2020 April - 15: 10

From home hem proved that it is powerful ferns coses. From the social distance, it is necessary and necessary for me to feel more than I do. From home we have learned to appreciate that it is really important; to reflect on the impact of each of the three actions, with society and with individuals; to value the agrarian, sincerely, with the heart, the woman who moltes people, from the first line, are fent day by day per nosaltres.

I des de casa, també, estem començant a construir el futur que seguirà a este present en què s’han detingut, d’una manera ben estraya, les nostres vides com les enteníem fins ara. Opinant, treballant, aportant-hi idees, col·laborant, reinventant, resistint… totes i tots estem donant-li forma a eixe endemà de l’últim dia de confinament que tots imaginem esperançats.

From home, too, the City Council has posat mans a l'obra to guarantee that in eixe endemà there are serem totes and tots with opportunites noves, reprenent projects, without renàixer la ciutat; With sufficient resources to the Bast per a, in Cap Cas, donate-li espai to despair. Please be clear that 2 million of the liquidation, positively, of the pressupost of 2019 will be invested in social benefits and for companies, small businesses and the self-employed. Ara ens touches to specify the actions that will be posed in marxa, immediately, because none is to be entangled. I in this tasca comptem with the collaboration, invaluable and continuous from the beginning of the health crisis, the business and tourism sector (CEDMA and AEHTMA) and all the parties representing the consistori (Compromís, Partit Popular, Ciutadans i Gent de Dénia, a month from the PSPV-PSOE, to the government).

I also shared with you that the whole of the city is arriving at different times: the best radiography of the needs that mateix are priorities and of the concerns that respect the prevailing future.

The next setmana will constitute the interdepartmental commission, amb represented political and technical, which will treballarà in the concretion of the mesures d'ajuda to the people and reactivation of the economy.
From home, in addition, the municipal climbers and climbers continue to attend the day to day of this situation and advance the drafting and process of the projects that, once the crisis was over, they would return to pose in Marx to continue with the transformation of the city. Projects that donate feina, to companies, to people. Projectes that will breathe life into Dénia i l'aire of relative normality that tots estem desitjant to breathe again.

From home, in this estea ajudant moltíssim. Estem ajudant moltíssim, and decisively, to stop the expansion of this global threat of which, according to, n'aprendrem moltes coses: the first, the great capacity and courage that tenan quan treballem junts. The second, the need for fer, seriosament, the change of mentality that ensues permetrà viure in a context of respect for each person and the privileged nature that ensues in this world. The mentality canvi that will guarantee a futur.

The corba begins to give way, the rhythm of contagis s'alenteix. Dénia stands out among the cities that have been the most fet: 96% of the non-heme inhabitants of the most nearby residential area, according to a study by the Generalitat.
Per tot això, moltíssimes gràcies. Keep us alert, stay home. I, what a touch, in retrobarem als carrers per a reprendre la feina, celebrate bones notícies, honor those who have so much helped and acomiadar com cal those who have deixat.


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