Politics - PSPV

Opinion of M. Josep Ripoll (PSPV): «A city of 10, friendly to people and committed to sustainability»

24 July 2020 - 14: 35

Ja tenim el debat servit. Acabem d’aprovar la sol·licitud de la subvenció del Pla Planifica, de la Diputació d’Alacant, per als projectes de remodelació de la glorieta del País Valencià, els carrers de l’entorn i la millora de Marqués de Campo. I des de l’equip de govern hem donat el pas d’apostar pel tancament al trànsit, ara que li donarem una nova imatge a estes zones del centre. Com era d’esperar, l’anunci ha generat controvèrsia: s’hi escolten veus a favor i en contra; algunes pronostiquen la fi de l’activitat comercial, fins i tot; unes altres clamen pel dret a tindre una plaça d’aparcament en eixir de casa… Però unes altres opinions apunten a la possibilitat de passejar-hi tranquil·lament, de millorar l’experiència d’anar de compres a la ciutat, a l’accessibilitat, la sostenibilitat, l’absència de fum i soroll.

Image: Maria Josep Ripoll, councilor of Urbanism of DéniaMaria Josep Ripoll, councilor of Urbanism of Dénia

Doncs to the govern have weighed more these darrers arguments per a prendre la decisió -reflected of totes formes als commitments programàtics that the citizenry is going to vote for majoria- of fer one passa més in the process of peatonalització of the center of Dénia. Loreto, La Mar, Diana, Sandunga, Plaça de la Constitució, fa anys that are going to start this transition to a city that is more Spanish for people and less rodent cotxes. Previous experiences that have not included a commercial catastrophe; that, on the contrary, have donated life and obert noves opportunitats to zones molt punished abans pel volum de trànsit. I know how to obliterate the aesthetic transformation molt desitjable per a city so visited with the nostra.

Tot i així, per decomptat that entenem i respectem les opinions contràries i valorem els fears that this measure awakens i that have followed and will be objected d'anàlisi i considered at the time of writing the projectes i in the subsequent regulation of the uses (càrrega i download, accés per a residents, etc.).

However, this is not a spontaneous decision. Be sure that the preventive measures of the COVID-19 will advance the tancament of Marqués de Campo to guarantee the interpersonal distances in a well-coordinated area and more facing the estiu. But since 2015 he has been working in the creation of the borsa d'aparcaments in the urban perimeter, public and free, that will make it possible to affirm that places n'hi has, you have 3.000, and that ja ens can permetre guanyar nous espais per als vianants.

Big cities, immersed in this process, unstoppable because sustainability is a requirement, not even an option, call awareness campaigns to the idea that they are "15 minute" cities: that is to say, the principal serveis , administrations, commercial zones, indrets d'interés i fites patrimonials have tena l'abast, des qualsevol pàrquing, at just 15 minutes walking.

Doncs to Dénia, a city of dimensions that are affordable, privileged climatic, pleasant to pass, fins and tot podem to boast of being a city "of 10", because the parkings that surround the nucli urbà, free of charge, allow to arrive-hi in eixe temps, menys inclús, to qualsevol lloc.

Deixem the pors of the band and dare us to visualize as eixa Dénia de futur; I thought about the safe and quiet passages that could be seen by our seniors and majors, people with functional diversity, our mateixos, in lloc d'exigir a plaza d'aparcament below the house. Assess the possibility of walking 10 minutes to the market, in lloc de rodar-ne 20 per to park at the center. Make an effort to understand that it is time to bet on a more sustainable city, to take measures to reduce pollutant emissions, for accessibility, that it is a dret that totes and tots have and we cannot continue to improve.

Paral·lelament, the initiatives to compensate for the possible ones, which are unprovable at the moment, economic damage that the transfer to the center's transit could entail, continue endavant: merchants and hostalers of the city and private apartments have arrived at an offer to offer tickets 'parking to customers. We have just expanded in more than a hundred places the public parking of the Camí de Sant Joan. The nou servei de transport urbà is about to tender. I in marxa tenim l'studi per a millorar-hi the mobilitat by bicycle and uns altres mitjans sustainable.

This Denia is the patrimony of totes and tots and, per tant, must guarantee the benefit of tots and totes that are hi vivim; also, dels that ho faran in a futur.

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