Politics - Compromís

Opinion of Compromís per Dénia: «Qüestió de Confiança»

January 29 from 2021 - 14: 36

A convulsed week at the political level has ended with a resignation and a plenary in which all the councilors are going to affirm that they have not vaccinated and the commitment to immediately resign from the carrec and resign if it is proven. Això started from a motion of the PSPV not presented in time and form and that annulled the previous motion presented by the PP to other groups in which a commission of Investigation is demanava. Clearly, clearly, you are committing to donate support to this motion, as the other groups, because you do not tend to threaten and because I think that resigning is, as a minimum, a moral obligation in these cases.

Image: Representatives of Compromís during a press conference prior to the pandemicRepresentatives of Compromís during a press conference prior to the pandemic

If the councilor Cristina Morera has donated an exemple, and has made the decision for morality and to protect her companys of partit, they are not going to propose to revoke the seues competències or cap altra action emparats in what “the fault will be of the Secretary of Public Health ”.

It is a great attitude to defend and donate your support to the company; but there to victimize-the i reiterate that the fault will be of Public Health, it is molt covard and demonstrates a vegada more the lack of constant humility of the party during all these years "Quan m'equivoque is the fault of the altres, quan encertem és mèrit meu ”.

But to this first error, an altre is added, is it to keep silence, or the one who is the mateix, to threaten, to lie. The councilor has paid for her mistake, exempting her companys in that sentit. But if not s'haguera filtered to premsa, mai ho haguérem sabut. I eixa is the truth. "Why is the press going to know?" Carrió ahir will ask in the plenary. "Some of your partit in the Ministry is going to throw away the protection of dades" the mayor will recriminate. This is to say, no sols have NOT practiced transparency, but condemned it. What can we expect from now on?

The third question is that they affirm that they do NOT know. Or continue, the theory is that the mateixos companys that defend the error of Morera, blamed Public Health, they do not know how to solve this issue. Eixa is the theory, and the one that they will defend there.

But the fetish is that if you actually know, they have not been honest. I if you do not know, they have still ignorants. That the mayor does not know of the irregularity of a member of the seu team in one of the seus public buildings, for two weeks, is just as knobby.

The Public Health investigation will clarify who is wrong or who is wrong about the protocol. The one that is going to agree there will be that "the conclusions of the final report of the investigation will first inform the municipal Corporation". Donades les circumstàncies have suspicàcies of what they will tell, quan and for what. You will say, but when in politics it is lost humility, transparency and honesty, it is also lost trust.

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