
Sea Marina, delicacy tales Inma Campos waterfront

23 2012 April - 00: 00

The teacher of the IES Maria Ibars Inma Campos is not a novice in writing. From 1999 has been collecting recognition for his writings, both in Valencian and Castilian. But it was 2011 the year that saw the light of his first book, the compendium of stories Sea Marina.

Inma Campos

En Sea Marina we find short stories, 6 in Valencian and 10 in Spanish, written from the 1997 to the 2010, which have received the recognition of the jury in different literary contests and have as a common frame the same sea.

Mar de Marina Inma Campos

According to the back cover of his book, in the words of Javi Sales Bertomeu, «Su fuerte compromiso social y lingüístico, la sensibilidad a la hora de tratar el sentimiento trágico en el desarrollo de escenas cotidianas, la presencia de la memoria y sus lazos con la propia identidad, contados con un lenguaje cercano, sensible y sensitivo al presentar tanto el mundo de los afectos como los problemas de la inmigración, el papel de la mujer, la maternidad o la fidelidad a un paisaje de la infancia, nos señala el aspecto más vital de la literatura, como si contempláramos a la escritora ante el naufragio en el que muchas veces se convierte la vida y en la que sólo la mar puede salvarla».

Sea Marina was published in November by 2011 by the Dianense publishing house The Creative Study Owl and can be found in any bookstore in Dianense.

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