Society - Urbanism

Neighbors call for a comprehensive management plan port

16 October 2014 - 10: 44

The dianenses neighbors walk quite concerned about the situation in which it is currently engaged facade port city. A situation very roundly exposed in the debate on the Local Agenda 21. The request of the majority was that a comprehensive management plan is made port and stop putting that both patches.

There finance three projects, one Plan Trust funds and the remaining two by the Directorate General of Ports were presented. The first project is the rehabilitation of the old fish market. This project will house the new Tourist Office was praised by most of those present. The building will become a protected building in the center of the harbor front.

Another project was the traffic station of the bay to be located in the Moll of Martell, this sparked considerable debate, receiving much criticism while suggestions. One of the complaints was that a building that diminishes visibility given its projected volume. It is not meant to house a cafeteria considering that the area is saturated with that service. The vast majority felt that to dispatch tickets should not make a building with so much visual impact.

The third of the projects is the Paseo Marítimo, which would be executed by the Varadero Port Dénia company. With a route from where the old Baleària building was to the height of Calle Pont. It would be pedestrian and above all it serves to separate the current car parks from the areas where pedestrians go. A bike lane will be built as well as a tree plantation.

Reflection of all present was knowing that serve their contributions if the decisions were already taken in advance.

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