
Social networks raise their voices against the construction of a four-storey villa in Les Rotes

24 March 2017 - 12: 21

The construction of a brick mass in the heart of Les Rotes has made the residents of the area and the entire municipality react, who have shown their outrage at this action on social networks for several days.

construccion de un chalet en les rotes

It is about a building that is being built on Capricorni street, at the beginning of Les Rotes, in which the residents denounce that work is being done without having obtained the corresponding major building permit from the City Council. So much so that the complainants met this week with the councilor for the territory of the local council, Maria Josep Ripoll, the municipal architect and a lawyer to verify that, indeed, the promoter of the work is breaking municipal regulations.

But this attitude of the promoter is not new, since a few months ago the City Council ordered the work stoppage due to land movements and dumping without a license.

After meeting with complainants neighbors, Dénia City Council has announced the immediate adoption of measures which can range from a monetary fine to order demolition works.

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  1. Leah Jaya Israel says:

    He trusted that human reason and the required justice prevail in the face of this barbarism and egocentric sumptuousness ...
    I did not have any property in Les Rotes but my father, of blessed memory, and my aunt Ligua inspired in me a deep love for this wonder of Les Rotes where many of my best childhood memories are anchored

  2. Juan Andres says:

    And as it cooks without a license have impunity reached this state construction? No municipal authority has been or is passing and if school everyone happy? Whew there are always neighbors who look out of the place setting where they live, although it will be interesting to see how just! Health and spirits.

  3. Ana says:

    Fine not look carob

  4. Cristina Delgado says:

    I do not understand that this architectural mole allowed to do that detracts from the aesthetics of Las Rotas. It is an ugly building without proportion and that my opinion should be paralyzed and weigh the environmental impact on the area. Denia should not allow such actions.

  5. Marta says:

    It should demolish in my opinion if it does not comply with the rules. This construction has been raised already knowing the rules it can not be who do not know and maybe thought the same would only have to pay a fine and have assumed as part of the expenses. Now up to the council to prove its integrity and prevent this abuse other citizens that if they respect the rules. If this construction is allowed it is being said that the rules are not equal for all and have money to pay they can be jump. Unfortunately if this happens then there will be more cases and goodbye when we give account to the beauties of Les Rotes. In my opinion you should take even more measures that are taken to protect this place from degradation. I have no property in the area but I like going to wander around and admire this little corner of Denia.

  6. Juana ruiz says:

    I think it should not allow the construction of the villa and not just put a financial penalty. This would be chaos and each interesasen the rules will jump at any given time.
