Parties - Fallas

"Las Fallas have to be a mirror to look at: inclusive, egalitarian and without a pin"

02 March 2020 - 10: 36

During the afternoon of Saturday the act that starts the fallas parties took place. In the Plaza del Consell the falleros and falleras of each commission met, headed by their positions, where they waited anxiously for the words of the Falleras Mayores de Dénia, as well as the proclamation that, on this occasion, was in charge of Jaume Pérez Puig.

Crén de Dénia 2020

Before the watchful eye of a crowded square, Mayor Vicent Grimalt handed over the keys of the city to Safir Malonda and Martina Gimeno, Fallera Mayor and Fallera Mayor Infantil from the 2020 parties. In the process, the two maximum representatives of this exercise they were presenting one by one each commission, announcing the start of the Dénia Fallas with a resounding «ja estem en falles!».

Jaime Pérez Puig, pregonero 2020

Previously, the falix de la Baix la Mar, Jaume Pérez Puig, was in charge of starting the event with a vindictive proclamation, which encouraged fighting for the Valencian culture and essence in one of the largest festive groups of the Valencian Community. «Las Fallas tienen que ser el espejo donde mirarse. Tienen que ser diversas, inclusivas, igualitaria, paritarias… y sin pin», said the preacher shaving the policy imposed in the educational centers of Murcia. «Recordad lo que verdaderamente importa. No es pensar en el pasado, ni en el futuro de las Fallas, lo verdaderamente importante es cargar con el presente de la fiesta, y eso es lo que estáis haciendo vosotros día a día»Perez stressed to say goodbye.

The president of the Local Board Fallera delivers the diploma to the pregonero 2020
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