
Associations of disabled people demanding better infrastructure and investment in the Marina Alta

03 December 2015 - 14: 20

World Day of Persons with Disabilities, like so many other celebrations, also commemorated in Dénia. And he made in an emotional ceremony that took place in the basement of City Hall in which hundreds of people linked to the group of disability involved.

World Day of Persons with Disabilities in Dénia

Ana María Vadillo, president of APROSDECO, read a statement that it is urgent "the need to adopt transformative measures that guarantee equal treatment and opportunities and end discrimination of all kinds that this group still suffers". Therefore he requested "everyone's involvement" and he expressed disagreement with some reform collective "that involves a violation or reduction of the rights of persons with disabilities".

The president recalled that the effort Aprosdeco "It should be aimed at improving the provision of services and resources, clearly insufficient in our region".

Celebrating World Disability Day in Dénia

Next, representatives of the associations Adhama, Amadem, Condenados al Bordillo, Ludai, Federació Marina Alta Solidaria, Colegio Raquel Payà, Tapis and Aprosdeco, who read a joint manifesto in which they demanded to be treated as full-fledged citizens who want to participate actively in society.

His claim was focused on equal treatment, spreading a positive and inclusive of all image by the media; their ability to make decisions; have cities and accessible to participate and collaborate with isntituciones to make it happen peoples and support teachers to have the right to learn.

To finalzar the act, and improvised way, the mayor was invited to address a few words to the audience, saying that the Consistory will demand wherever necessary for fair measures are taken so that this group have their needs met at all times.

Act World Day of people with disabilities in Dénia

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