
2002 Alevines of the EMB Dénia not play the provincial end

05 June 2013 - 00: 00

Basketball was unfair to the juvenile female team 2002 of the Municipal School Basketball Dénia. Dianenses young players fell on its own track at the Colegio Padre Manjón Elda by 17 to 18.

At the last second, Elda's team scored the basket that gave the pass to the provincial final. The girls you run Carla Vaquer they are left without a final, as the first leg played in Elda ended with a tie to 54, so one point leaves them out of the final.

The nerves in both combined passed bill as all players performed below their usual level. He weighed them responsibility and especially excess pressure that came to them a pavilion bleachers recorded a great atmosphere.

The parents of some and others, rivaled in terms of cries of encouragement that just made the players more nervous. The proof that the match was riddled with inaccuracies was reflected by the final score, which was very short, (17-18).

Despite the great season that have made dianenses girls remain unable to play this Saturday the final he will face the Father Manjón Elda against Jorge Juan Novelda.
EMB Dénia 2002

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